Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled

As far as I know we have never run out of food to serve our guests in our 70 year history.  Isn't that remarkable!

But sometimes food supplies run low and we need to let our friends know.

That time is now.  If you are in a position to help, please do so.  We can buy a large amount of food for every dollar we receive.  Or if you have extra food you can drop off, we will appreciate it and put it to good use.

When I see people coming here for the first time I realize the value the service the Mission provides.  Some people go days without eating.  They are weak and totally worn out, unable to cope.

All of us here appreciate your support.  The people who come here for a meal and a bed and someone to care, say how grateful they are.  I tell them that many people in our community care about them.  that is encouraging for them to hear.

Most of the problems people face are huge and beyond them.  We help as we can and urge them to turn thier needs over to Jesus, and trust in Him.

Many thanks to you.  May God bless you for your kindness and the joy you give to others.

Dean R. Gartland
Washington City Mission

P.S. The summer is the toughest time of the year for keeping our food kitchens supplied.  When the schools close for the summer, mothers bring their children here for a meal.  Otherwise, without a school lunch the children may get very little.

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